Genetics and Bioinformatics

    Work-related projects. Mostly revolving around genetics and/or data analysis.

    If you're looking for my research work, please have a look at my ORCID data, my ResearchGate profile, or look me up on PubMed.

    Posts in this category:

  1. From zero to a scalable, container-friendly cloud-based SLURM cluster in an afternoon

    Become a HPC sysadmin using Terraform and Google Cloud Platform

  2. Containerised servers for a bioinformatics research lab

    Deploying web-based services on a HPC server node.

  3. An update on CNVs and weekend science projects

    How a post on this website led to an article preprint

  4. Parsing BGEN files in C++

    Playing around with binary files and the zlib c++ libraries.

  5. Discovering copy number variants based on VCF files

    Reliably calling structural events in the genome based on commonly used SNP data formats is surprisingly easy.

  6. Towards a genetic study of aphantasia

    Exploring the prevalence of a mental phenotype through a citizen survey.